Chess with Dr. B and Your Best Chess – Fall 23

Tuesdays from 3:40-4:40 p.m.
Dates (12 classes): Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, *, 28, Dec. 5, 12**

Learn the game of chess, improve your game, learn new strategies/skills, rise in self-confidence, have a great class tournament experience, and tap your amazing brain without the use of a “screen”!  Every one-hour class consists of a structured lesson for all four (4) of our identifiable skill levels.  Each group is given ample time to play actual games.  Plenty of time is allocated for questions/answers at the end of each class to reinforce what has been taught that day.  We try to make each class as fun, interesting, and challenging as possible.  Students will learn to think, reason, and problem-solve which enhances the skills necessary to succeed in both Chess and life’s daily challenges.

Enrollment through Your Best Chess at this link:

Location: Abiding Presence Lutheran Church–Burke, VA
Cost: $199/student (10% discount when 3+ students are enrolled from one family)
Contact: YBC (Dr. B–Owner/Head Instructor) at (240) 687-7655 or

Payment Plans Available, Click for more info.

Day and Time: Tuesdays at 3:40-4:40 p.m.
Dates (12 classes): Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, *, 28, Dec. 5, 12**


Location: Abiding Presence Lutheran Church, 6304 Lee Chapel Rd.    Burke, VA  22015

Cost: $199/student (10% discount when 3+ students are enrolled from one family)

Contact:  YBC (Dr. B–Owner/Head Instructor) at (240) 687-7655 or

*  No class on Nov. 21–Thanksgiving Break

**Dec. 12th will be “Tournament Medal Day”–all families are invited to attend from 4:15-4:30 for the award ceremony at end of class!